DAC Express for Windows (DEW)

DAC Express can be installed on any device running the full version of Windows. The .Net Framework 4.8 or higher should be installed prior to installing DAC Express, this can be verified via Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.

DAC Express allows sales reps and customers to send in orders based on their customer specific pricing and uses order history to view and order by min, max or average quantities.

Chilkat Error after installation? Download and install this pre-requisite.

Previous versions of DAC Express can be installed using the following links. Older devices that don't have the .Net Framework 4.8 or later installed should download from these links.

Miscellaneous Documentation:

DAC Express for Apple (DEA)

DAC Express can be used with any iPad or iPhone device running iOS 9 or higher. The iOS app can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store. You will need an authorization code to use with your own data. Contact CDR for information on how to obtain a code.

Miscellaneous Documentation: